The Ballards 

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Our Home page

(This Page was last updated on Saturday, February 08, 2014)






Frank & Carole Ballard

December 2011


Our plan with this site is to share our family. 


                            Our Grandkids            


The main reason for having this web page is to show off our grandkids so you need to check out each of their pages to see the latest (if I haven't been lazy) pictures of each of them.  To reach them click on a name for Kristen's Page, Katie's PageAnn Marie's Page., and Bailey's Page.


The Girls!!

                                    Katie, Kristen, and Ann Marie!                                                                                  Bailey!


The Boy!!




                 Our other pages!          

To reach our other pages you can click on the links for Fun Stuff, Lake House, or Memories

at the top, or bottom, or each page!


the Ballard family!



                                                                            The Thomas portion of this Ballard family!!

Kristen, Beth, Katie, Lee, and Ann Marie




Frank's  family!

Frank, Jr., Bailey, and Nanci


............War Eagle!............


Home    Ann Marie    Bailey    Katie    Kristen    Fun Stuff    Lake House    Memories